Precept Upon Precept: Romans
The Letter of Paul To The Romans
Precept Upon Precept inductive Studies. Your relationship with God is personal, but you don’t have to grow alone. With the right tools, personal commitment, and a Bible-based discussion group, you can discover truth for yourself, but not by yourself.
Precept Upon Precept Romans is a 4 part study. Learn about the righteousness of God and understand the bondage of sin in Paul's life-changing letter to the Romans. Study how God's solution to man's sinful dilemma through justification by faith in Jesus and the free gift of grace. Understanding these essential doctrines will strengthen your faith!
Romans Part 1 - Freed from Sin's Penalty: All have sinned. There is none righteous. We are declared righteous by God only by faith in the blood of His Son. Romans 1-5 explains the foundational doctrines of our faith - original sin, justification, redemption, and propitiation. Gain an excellent grasp of the doctrine of salvation.
Romans Part 2 - Freed from Sin's Power: Free from the guilt and power of sin, but what about the flesh? Discover how justification by faith relates to day-by-day living through the Holy Spirit's power - the amazing process of sanctification.
Romans Part 3 - The Sovereignty of God and the Free Will of Man: God doesn't go back on His promises. He can always be trusted. Romans 9-11 is an extended discussion of the subject of God's sovereignty—election, predestination, and responsibility—focusing on His choice of Israel and His faithfulness to His covenant.
Romans Part 4 - Life as a Living Sacrifice: The righteous shall live by faith! Do you live out your faith? What practical things can you do to show that you have been justified? Romans 12–16 are very practical chapters! You will learn how redemption, justification, and propitiation enable you to live righteously as you serve God.
Dates: Series Begins August 9, 2023
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Room: G4
Facilitator(s): Anne Henderson
Workbook: Available for purchase in class.