Use "Classes" menu item above to see education offerings. Not to be confused with the program for the formal education of youth from grades K4 to 12 at Immanuel Christian School)
This ministry is aimed at providing continual Christian educational opportunities for youth, adults, senior adults and the community at large.
Our learning opportunities are segmented into four categories: Sunday Morning Bible Studies, Bible Based Topical Studies, Membership Classes, and Life Groups.
Sunday Morning Bible Studies and Bible-based Topical Studies
The classes are focused on studies and teachings directly from the Bible. They range from in-depth verse by verse studies to topical studies, including marriage and parenting, or a survey of the Bible. Fellowship, discussion, and prayer concerns are included. There is no registration needed. Visit a class any Sunday.
Short-Term Bible Studies
Bible topics are studied in short-term group settings. The subjects, varying from Christian growth, finances, and themes related to specific issues of men or women, are offered based upon current needs and interests. They are usually several weeks in duration during the fall and spring. Before a session begins, registration is advertised and childcare is provided with an advance request.
Other Bible study opportunities are provided within the Life Groups.
Membership 101
This class focuses on what it means to be a Christian, and how we express that as a church. Offered several times a year and led by the Pastor, Elders and staff, the essentials of our faith and the vision of Immanuel Baptist Church are presented and defined.
Various ministries are described that are aligned with, and fulfill, the church's mission: Helping All People Love and Follow Jesus. Under the umbrella of Immanuel's vision and guided by scripture, opportunities are presented in which members may exercise their personal God-given gifts through serving and ministry. At the conclusion of this discussion of Immanuel's beliefs and practices an opportunity to become a church member is offered.